Ontario CEC Strategic Plan 2023-2025
What we desire to see in the world.
High-quality education that is inclusive and equitable for children and youth with disabilities.
Ontario CEC’s role in making our vision happen.
Cultivating, supporting, and empowering education professionals who work with children and youth with disabilities by:
- Advocating for educational professionals and for children and youth with disabilities, and/or gifts and talents
- Enhancing the engagement of families of the children and youth
- Advancing professional practice and scholarly research
- Promoting diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility
- Building networks, partnerships, and communities
Core values inform and are embedded into all of Ontario CEC’s work.
- Visionary Thinking: Demonstrated by forward-thinking and courageous decision-making dedicated to excellence and influence in an evolving environment.
- Integrity: Demonstrated by ethical and responsive behaviour, transparency, and accountability.
- Inclusiveness: Demonstrated by a commitment to diversity, caring, and respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals.
How we ensure Ontario CEC is supporting the Strategic Plan.
- Responsiveness: History is valued; continuous improvement is encouraged; governance structures are designed to be adaptive and representative of Ontario CEC members.
- Organizational Effectiveness: Commitment to implementing efficiencies, developing leaders, planning for long-term financial success, and using data to drive decision-making.
- Valued Partnerships: Ontario CEC Subdivisions, Local Chapters, Community Organizations and Members, Corporate Partners, Families, and Volunteers are valued contributors to Ontario CEC’s strategy.
In the community, home, and workplace, we believe that:
- All children and youth are unique.
- Each child and youth can learn to be successful in the home, community and the workplace using his/her/their strengths and with support in addressing his/her/their needs.
- All Ontarians need to work toward a barrier-free Ontario.
- The Ontario Council for Exceptional Children is the voice and advocate for all children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents in Ontario.
In the education system, we believe that: *
- All students can succeed.
- Each student has his or her own unique patterns of learning.
- Equal is not equitable.
- Successful instructional practices are founded on evidence-based research, tempered with experience.
- Universal design and differentiated instruction are effective and interconnected means of meeting the learning needs of any group of students.
- Classroom teachers are the key to a student’s literacy and numeracy development.
- Classroom teachers need the support of the larger community to create a learning environment that supports all students.
- Fairness is not sameness.
*(Adapted from Learning for All, A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12, 2013)
Goals are high-level aspirations, while objectives provide a closer breakdown of how we will get there.
Quality Teaching and Learning
Provide educators with professional development, evidence-based practices, support, and knowledge exchange that optimizes teaching and learning for diverse learners.
- Host an annual special education conference that focuses on evidence-based practices and assistive/adaptive technology.
- Embed diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility within all Ontario CEC programs, practices and public awareness.
- Support the inclusion of topics of well-being, transition, self-determination/self-advocacy within all special education programs.
- Support the retention of effective and diverse special education professionals.
- Support collaboration among educators, other service providers, and families to effectively educate children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents.
- Review and enhance Ontario CEC position papers and policies.
Advocacy and Professional Standards
Advance the teaching and learning of children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents, the support for their families, and the policies, preparation, and practices of professionals who work on their behalf.
- Create opportunities for fostering mutual understanding and respect for values, educational tradition and practices supporting individuals across diverse populations.
- Collaborate with chapters and subdivisions to support advocacy efforts to influence policies relative to special education services and programs and professional preparation and practice standards.
- Consult with the Ontario College of Teachers, the Ministry of Education and other regulatory Colleges and Ministries regarding special education and professional standards.
- Convene and actively participate in education and disability coalitions.
- Develop and support a grass roots network of informed advocates.
Collaborative Partnerships
Collaborate and promote partnerships among Ontario CEC, its chapters and subdivisions, International CEC, the Ministry of Education, and other organizations.
- Strengthen existing, and develop new partnerships, among Ontario CEC and the Canadian CEC Network, International CEC, and organizations whose missions and commitments are congruent with Ontario CEC’s vision and mission.
- Support, retain, and strengthen Ontario CEC’s chapters (including the Ontario Student Chapter) and subdivisions, and facilitate collaboration among them.
Organizational Vitality
Establish Ontario CEC as a provincially recognized leader in the field of special education.
- Grow and diversify Ontario CEC’s membership, develop its leadership, and enhance its value to members and other professionals, through professional development, volunteer opportunities, and social media.
- Achieve fiscal goals, implement cost-effective operations, and utilize existing and emerging technologies to support the needs of special education professionals.
- Showcase and celebrate the accomplishments of children and youth with disabilities and/or gifts and talents, and the adults who support them through the Ontario CEC awards.