Message About Racism and Inequity
International CEC Board of Directors
The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) stands with its members and community against racism, oppression, and the atrocities of the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and others. As a result, protests are happening in response to that injustice, and we voice our collective pain, quest, and demands for social justice and equity across all communities and schools.
Our CEC core values clearly outline our “commitment to diversity, care, and respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals.” And today, we reaffirm our commitment to social justice, inclusion, and equity as we strive to be there for our students and special education professionals— many of whom are from diverse communities. We know how difficult this time is, and we are with you. We know first-hand how such traumatic and horrifying experiences can impact teaching and learning environments. In addition to our personal experiences, we see it through the eyes of our children and youth daily.
CEC will continue to uphold the values of inclusion and equity and support all of our members, volunteers, staff, and the students with exceptionalities we serve. In line with our strategic plan, we will be appointing a work group made up of members and outside experts to design and provide professional learning experiences that will impact equitable outcomes and better support children and youth with exceptionalities, as well as special education professionals. This is a charge to ensure that we continue to progress as a special education field. We hear our community and we are with you carrying the torch of equity, inclusion, and social justice.
We are ALL in this together.
CEC Ontario Board of Directors
The Ontario Council for Exceptional Children (Ontario CEC) stands with its members and the community against the systemic racism that afflicts the black community, indigenous peoples, and other racialized Ontarians.
The Ontario CEC and its Board of Directors reaffirm our commitment to social justice, inclusion, accessibility and equity as we strive to support all of our children and youth with exceptionalities, their families and those who are engaged with them in their homes, schools, and communities. As we move forward, we commit to a revision of our Strategic Plan to ensure a space is created for us to examine our biases, learn from the experiences of those who are marginalized, and deepen our understandings.
Ontario’s diversity is its strength. We are ALL in this together. It is our collective responsibility to make Ontario truly barrier-free.